cotton velveteen.

I was inspired in several ways while designing this prayer rug. There was a young woman attending my church. She was so joyful during worship, always raising her hands and basically dancing. It was awesome. I would love to be so uninhibited. Other inspirations were rug hooking artists Rebecca Knudsen and Deanne Fitzpatrick and painter Gustav Klimt. I love the way he uses color and geometric shapes, mixing them with the human figure. When I designed this rug I was at a place in my life when I just felt I needed more color around me. The loss of my mother was almost 2 years behind me and it was time to express my hope for the future. This rug is meant to be a self portrait. My hands are raised to heaven in praise to God who comforts us in the dark times and promises hope in spite of heart-ache. Usually when I am color planning I choose muted somewhat drab colors. This rug is overflowing with bright, vibrant colors so you can’t help but see them. They are meant to extend the invitation that life is beautiful and good. And as the scripture says, “Come near to God and He will come near to you.” James 4:8
This rug began in Santa Fe, New Mexico at a rug hooking retreat. The design expresses how I feel on the inside. I began hooking this rug in April and my goal was to finish it by the first of October for our annual rug show. I had the dress and the face and arms done, but procrastinated on finishing it until one week before the show. Then I started hooking like mad. It was so amazing. I literally felt inspired. The original design idea had a golden background with a sun in the upper right corner. During the course of that week I totally changed how I was going to do the sky. I hooked day and night with a little sleep in between. It just flowed out of me. I couldn't believe the energy I was feeling. It truly was a blessing to create. I feel that God worked it out through me. I have always had a special feeling for things hand made. When you create something, especially for someone else, many feelings go into it. Some stem from your natural inner emotions and others are fueled by events occurring in your life. Fears, frustrations, sorrow, joy, elation, etc...all go into the piece at hand. I sometimes ponder, “If this rug, (quilt, etc...) could speak it would have such a story to tell...” It takes the frustration without pushing back and it soaks up tears without a word. It absorbs the loving feelings you have at the time. All that, and then you pass it on to someone else, truly giving away a little of yourself, but also having taken something too. It's a beautiful thing. I believe that our Creator made us in His image to be creative. There are innumerable facets to this concept. They include creativity in every aspect of life whether you are an artist with paints; practice the art of care giving; or readying your home to receive guests. Being creative brings joy and healing in many ways. I thank God for creativity. XOXO<>
This rug began in Santa Fe, New Mexico at a rug hooking retreat. The design expresses how I feel on the inside. I began hooking this rug in April and my goal was to finish it by the first of October for our annual rug show. I had the dress and the face and arms done, but procrastinated on finishing it until one week before the show. Then I started hooking like mad. It was so amazing. I literally felt inspired. The original design idea had a golden background with a sun in the upper right corner. During the course of that week I totally changed how I was going to do the sky. I hooked day and night with a little sleep in between. It just flowed out of me. I couldn't believe the energy I was feeling. It truly was a blessing to create. I feel that God worked it out through me. I have always had a special feeling for things hand made. When you create something, especially for someone else, many feelings go into it. Some stem from your natural inner emotions and others are fueled by events occurring in your life. Fears, frustrations, sorrow, joy, elation, etc...all go into the piece at hand. I sometimes ponder, “If this rug, (quilt, etc...) could speak it would have such a story to tell...” It takes the frustration without pushing back and it soaks up tears without a word. It absorbs the loving feelings you have at the time. All that, and then you pass it on to someone else, truly giving away a little of yourself, but also having taken something too. It's a beautiful thing. I believe that our Creator made us in His image to be creative. There are innumerable facets to this concept. They include creativity in every aspect of life whether you are an artist with paints; practice the art of care giving; or readying your home to receive guests. Being creative brings joy and healing in many ways. I thank God for creativity. XOXO<>
Hi Lisa
What a beautiful site and your rug is fabulous. It's got spark! Life!
I didn't see a quote by me, maybe I'm missing something.
I'm adding you to my blog favs.
Thanks Pam! So glad you stopped by and as soon as I figure out the widget thingy I'll add you to mine too :)
I had a different blog where I quoted you and have it copied to move to this blog so look for it soon.
Hey Lisa, What a beautiful insight I am sure inspired by the Holy Spirit leading your mind through your thought process developing this topic. You may think you were writing it for you, but it is there for me as well to go back to in my times of trouble for inspiration and encouragement. Thanks
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